Σας παρουσιάζουμε με αδρές γραμμές γιατί τα επικείμενα φαραωνικά έργα αποτελούμενα από εκατοντάδες τεράστιες ανεμογεννήτριες άνω των 100 μέτρων (και) στα νησιά δεν συνάδουν με καμιάς μορφής οικολογική, αριστερή, ή νεοφιλελεύθερη πολιτική και δεν ευννοούν τη κοινωνία.
- Από οικολογικής σκοπιάς μελέτες αποδεικνύουν ότι δεν αντικαθιστούν ορυκτά καύσιμα. Χρειάζονται εφεδρείες πανάκριβου εισαγόμενου φυσικού αερίου που κατασπαταλιέται θερμοδυναμικά για ηλεκτροπαραγωγή με αποδόσεις 50% έναντι 95% που επιτυγχάνεται στην οικιακή ή βιομηχανική χρήση. Σε τοπικό πάλι επίπεδο καταστρέφουν το έδαφος και τη βιοποικιλότητα ενώ δημιουργούν ένα εκχερσωμένο, βιομηχανικό, ομογενοποιημένο τοπίο.
- Από κοινωνικής πλευράς συνιστούν επιβάρυνση των λογαριασμών ρεύματος όλων μας με επιδοτήσεις που καταλήγουν σε λίγους «επενδυτές» και στη γερμανική βιομηχανία. Απαιτούν τεράστιες δημόσιες επενδύσεις καθώς κατ’ ουσία πρέπει να ανασχεδιάσουμε εξ αρχής το ενεργειακό σύστημα της Χώρας, δεν δημιουργούν θέσεις εργασίας τοπικά και καταστρέφουν κοινούς πόρους (έδαφος, τοπίο κλπ)
- Οικονομικά τέλος, είναι στην ουσία το εργαλείο ενός ακόμη αναγκαστικού δανεισμού δεκάδων δις ευρώ που θα αποπληρώσουμε εμείς με τους λογαριασμούς μας. Αναγκαζόμαστε να εισάγουμε πανάκριβη τεχνολογία και φυσικό αέριο. Ακόμη μειώνεται η ανταγωνιστικότητα της οικονομίας καθώς ακριβαίνει το ρεύμα. Σε τοπικό επίπεδο πλήττουν ανεπανόρθωτα τις αξίες της γης και τον τουρισμό.
Μόνο θετικό σημείο αυτής της πρωτόγνωρης εισβολής με το πράσινο προσωπείο, η ευκαιρία που μας δίνει να αντιδράσουμε από κοινού και να ξαναγίνουμε κοινωνία.
Το αρχιπέλαγος του Αιγαίου αποτελεί παγκόσμια κληρονομιά. είναι κρίμα για πενιχρά και αβέβαια αντισταθμιστικά οφέλη, που άλλωστε είναι δικά μας χρήματα, να επιτρέψουμε την πρωτοφανή αυτή μη αντιστρέψιμη υποβάθμιση.
ΕΝ version
Dear sirs,
The undersigned, network of environmental NGOs of the Aegean, wish to make a few points regarding the EU renewable policies and more specifically their implementation on the Greek islands.
The transition to a low carbon economy and debating about the limits to growth on islands have been main topics of our agenda for the last twelve jears. Recently however our main concern has shifted on how the greek state is implementing the European directives about renewables and especially large wind farms in Greece.
We are witnessing an unprecedented assault on the last remaining pristine ecosystems fueled by feed in tarifs. Investors perceive the greek islands as mere on-sea platforms where they can achieve off-shore outputs with on-land installation costs. This is further forwarded by the public funding of underwater cable connections.
If one looks on the map of the greek regulatory board on energy showing what is planned on the islands (as well as inland) and compares it with the one showing the IBAs and NATURA areas, he or she will notice an almost perfect and indeed very alarming match.
The Aegean sea, its culture and its unique combination of natural and man made landscape is a world heritage site with enormous intrinsic and touristic value.
If the plans of installing thousands of 100 (or more) metre high wind turbines go ahead the impacts will be far more severe than all human intervention in millenia put together, abruptly transforming this blessed archipelago into a homogenized industrial zone.
To shake off any accusations of NIMBYism we wish to briefly state that we, along with other NGOs, have proposed alternative agendas for Greece to meet its emission targets that take into consideration the environmental, social and economic particularities of Greece. Unfortunately the state has ignored almost every proposal.
Last but not least we find it incomprehensible within a European community that a bankrupt state should choose this 100% imported scenario that increases its debt, offers no local jobs, undermines the competitiveness of its economy and at the same time destroys its only remaining advantage i.e. its natural environment, its biodiversity and its landscape.
If Europe claims to be more than exports and financial indicators we urge you to value the above arguments and please try to stop what is underway.
The undersigned, network of environmental NGOs of the Aegean, wish to make a few points regarding the EU renewable policies and more specifically their implementation on the Greek islands.
The transition to a low carbon economy and debating about the limits to growth on islands have been main topics of our agenda for the last twelve jears. Recently however our main concern has shifted on how the greek state is implementing the European directives about renewables and especially large wind farms in Greece.
We are witnessing an unprecedented assault on the last remaining pristine ecosystems fueled by feed in tarifs. Investors perceive the greek islands as mere on-sea platforms where they can achieve off-shore outputs with on-land installation costs. This is further forwarded by the public funding of underwater cable connections.
If one looks on the map of the greek regulatory board on energy showing what is planned on the islands (as well as inland) and compares it with the one showing the IBAs and NATURA areas, he or she will notice an almost perfect and indeed very alarming match.
The Aegean sea, its culture and its unique combination of natural and man made landscape is a world heritage site with enormous intrinsic and touristic value.
If the plans of installing thousands of 100 (or more) metre high wind turbines go ahead the impacts will be far more severe than all human intervention in millenia put together, abruptly transforming this blessed archipelago into a homogenized industrial zone.
To shake off any accusations of NIMBYism we wish to briefly state that we, along with other NGOs, have proposed alternative agendas for Greece to meet its emission targets that take into consideration the environmental, social and economic particularities of Greece. Unfortunately the state has ignored almost every proposal.
Last but not least we find it incomprehensible within a European community that a bankrupt state should choose this 100% imported scenario that increases its debt, offers no local jobs, undermines the competitiveness of its economy and at the same time destroys its only remaining advantage i.e. its natural environment, its biodiversity and its landscape.
If Europe claims to be more than exports and financial indicators we urge you to value the above arguments and please try to stop what is underway.